Custom What Big Sister Does Best Book


Custom What Big Sister Does Best Book

$50.00 $39.99 Size Guide

Kids sometimes see the arrival of a new baby in the family as a cause for jealousy, but this charming, customized hardcover book can help those new big sisters see how they fit in the picture. Written by Laura Numeroff, author ofIf Your Give a Mouse a Cookie, the book explains all the things a big sister can do for their little siblings. Big sis will be delighted to see her name appear on the cover and throughout the story, along with a special dedication message from you on the front page.

The book is written as if regaling the new sibling with all the loving things the older child will do. This helps to model positive sibling interaction without feeling preachy, and also provides an opportunity for big sisters to share the book once the little one is old enough to enjoy story time.

The pages are warmly illustrated by Lynn Munsinger, with cute tigers, bears, pigs having adventures with their little brothers or sisters. Printed in the USA.

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